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If you have any questions about safeguarding please talk to:                                                                                                                         

Mrs Yates (Main Designated Safeguarding Lead)

or Mrs Lynam or Mrs Redmond or Miss Cummings.

Our Safeguarding Link Governor is Irene Giles:

All of our safeguarding team can be contacted through the school office on 01773 713396 or via email -

If you have a safeguarding concern out of school hours you can contact us through If you have immediate concerns about the safety of a child please dial 999 or Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190 (8am-8pm).

'We all have a responsibility to keep pupils safe to protecting them from abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns'.

Here are some things that our pupils say: 

"Teachers are kind and listen, all of the children look after you if you are worried" 

"We have an anti-bullying squad who are children that you can talk to" 

We believe that safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility. All children are special and we work hard to provide an accessible and stimulating environment which cares for the diverse needs of all our children. We will do everything we can to protect our children.

In cases where the school has reason to be concerned about a child we may consult with the family or involve other agencies as appropriate. The school will not first inform parents of concerns in cases where a child’s safety may be further compromised by them doing so. 

Parents who wish to bring cars to school should note that they are not allowed to use the school car park and, additionally, should not use, or park on, Church View itself.  This narrow road is not suitable for lots of traffic and is a major safety hazard for our children.  Those who can walk their children to school, please do so, it is much healthier for all of us. 

If you have any worries or concerns about the safety of your child, or you think that it might be helpful to talk to someone in private about any issues, you are always welcome to come and see us for a chat and to share ideas or information.

Please find our Child Protection and Safeguarding policy here

 This was reviewed in September 2023. 

Other school policies can be found by clicking on the link.  Should you require any paper copies please ask or email the school office.  For a full list of policies please visit the 'policies' page. 

Please see the 'policies' page for all of our relevant safeguarding policies.