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What it means to be a Church school

We are proud to be a church school and value our links with the diocese and our surrounding church communities. The impact of being part of a community immersed in the Christian faith is very hard to define. We have reflected deeply on this issue and asked ourselves the following questions:

Who are we?
Why are we here?
How then do we live? 


This is what June and Joan; our wonderful reading helpers had to say: 

Who are we?

Why are we here?

How then do we live?

We are here to improve a child’s reading and instil a love of words.


We are helpers of the community. We want to make a difference.


We are big supporters of Loscoe Church of England Primary School. We have enjoyed watching the school evolve.


We serve children who need some extra care.



I just love being here!


I’ve been here as a member of Loscoe community as a child, parent, grandparent, foster carer, governor, and member of the PTFA


It keeps us out of mischief!


If we had time we’d be here every day!


If children can’t read they can’t access things. We don’t want any children at Loscoe being isolated.


We work under the guidance of caring teachers.

We give the extra care and attention to children who don’t have special time with a grown up. We spot these children and make it our mission to have a good relationship with them.


We watch children begin reading with us who are withdrawn and they soon come out of their shell.


We are listening ears.


We show respect and are respected by the children.

This is what some of our children had to say: 

Who are we ?

Why are we here?

How then do we live?


We are kind and friendly.


We are Christians and none Christians.


We are visitors of the Church.


We are hard workers- we talk; we listen and work in a team.


We are a Church school- we are allowed to pray every day.


We are part of the Loscoe family.


We help people when they are sad or hurt.


We are here to learn.


We are making the world a better place with our ECO committee.


We are here to worship God.


We are here to make friends.


We help people who are new to our school because everyone is welcome.


We are here to listen to beautiful stories about God.


We are here to make others feel happy, spreading laughter and joy.


To be kind to one another.


We recycle and pick up rubbish so animals do not get hurt.


We are reducing our waste!


We are learning about other cultures.


We raise money for poor people in India.


We raise money for sick people.


We raise money for people in need.


We try new things.


We make a positive difference!

This is what our staff had to say: 

Who are we?

Why are we here?

How then do we live?


We are passionate about helping young people realise and achieve their potential.


We are good listeners, good friends and good fun!


We embrace individuality and diversity.


We are part of like-minded community with a common goal- to make a difference.


We are a family.


We are a place of support for parents, families and caregivers.


We are a safe place.  


To support each other.


To embrace the Christian faith, learn from it and use it to develop our ethos.


We are role models.


We are listening ears.


We offer an opportunity for everyone in our school to worship, celebrate, reflect and encounter God.


To establish boundaries and provide guidance.


By our school ethos.


By opening our doors and arms to our community.


By engaging and reaching out to those who need us.


By the values of hope, compassion and respect.


By looking after our environment that we all share and helping our children realise this too.


By looking out for others, nurturing, respecting, protecting and keeping striving to keep people safe.


By embracing our children’s ideas and initiatives to do ‘good’ for the world.