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School Council

Hi! We are Loscoe School Council!

We are trying to make small changes to make big differences to improve our environment and community. We became part of our amazing school council by being voted for by our friends in our classes.

We are trying to raise money to help support the building of a new community centre on Charles Hill.

To help everyone in the school show kindness, we set a weekly school council challenge. Some of our challenges include:

  • Holding the door open for someone
  • Using please and thank you
  • Playing with someone we don’t usually play with

Everyone can use the friendship bench. If you are feeling sad, lonely or in need of a friend, just sit on the bench and someone will come and check if you are okay. As school councillors, we have the job of checking the friendship bench and checking everyone has friends to play with.

We have a postbox at the front of school for everyone to share their ideas with us. We check the box every week and look at all the ideas from our friends in all the classes.

"We may be small but together we can make a big difference"